Memories Can Be Passed Down Through DNA
The premise of Assassin's Creed is the reliving of other people's memories stored inside DNA. Well scientists have found that in mice, it actually happens!Full Article
Scientists Have Found That Memories Can Be Passed Down Through Generations In Our Genes
New research from Emory University School of Medicine, in Atlanta, has shown that it is possible for some information to be inherited biologically through chemical changes that occur in ...Full Article
How the Brain Makes Memories: Rhythmically
The brain learns through changes in the strength of its synapses — the connections between neurons — in response to stimuli. Now, in a discovery that challenges conventional wisdom ...Full Article
Brain Waves Create Internal Map of Our Surroundings
Electrical oscillations (rhythmic wave activity) in the brain may play an important role in our ability to navigate through the physical world and store memories based on this experience, ...Full Article
Brain Scans Of The Future
Psychologists Use fMRI To Understand Ties Between Memories And The Imagination Psychologists have found that thought patterns used to recall the past and imagine the future are strikingly similar. ...Full Article