What is Candida Yeast Infection
Candida Albicans is a yeast microorganism that commonly lives in the intestinal tract of every human being. It shares space in your bowel with a variety of other microorganisms, ...Full Article
Gut Bacteria Might Guide The Workings Of Our Minds
Could the microbes that inhabit our guts help explain that old idea of “gut feelings?” There’s growing evidence that gut bacteria really might influence our minds. “I’m always by ...Full Article
A new genetic fingerprint lives in your belly
Our bodies contain far more microbial genes than human genes. And a new study suggests that just as human DNA varies from person to person, so, too, does the ...Full Article
Are Gut Bacteria In Charge?
The bacteria in our gut may be controlling our lives more than we ever realized. In the latest findings, published today in Nature, a link between gut bacteria and the development ...Full Article
The Brain-Gut Connection
Why do we get butterflies in our stomach before a performance? Why does indigestion produce nightmares? Why are antidepressants now also being used for gastrointestinal ailments? It turns out ...Full Article