|Sunday, December 22, 2024

brain @en

Your Brain On Krispy Kremes: How Hunger Motivates

What makes you suddenly dart into the bakery when you spy chocolate- frosted donuts in the window, though you certainly hadn’t planned on indulging? As you lick the frosting ...Full Article

I Do Not See It, But My Brain Knows What It Means

Patients suffering from “hemineglect” cannot attend to, and hence cannot see, things presented to their left side. However, sometimes these ignored stimuli may be processed without awareness. In a ...Full Article

Brain Scans Of The Future

Psychologists Use fMRI To Understand Ties Between Memories And The Imagination Psychologists have found that thought patterns used to recall the past and imagine the future are strikingly similar. ...Full Article

Brain Surgery Using Sound Waves

A new ultrasound device, used in conjunction with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), allows neurosurgeons to precisely burn out small pieces of malfunctioning brain tissue without cutting the skin or ...Full Article

New Map IDs The Core Of The Human Brain

An international team of researchers has created the first complete high-resolution map of how millions of neural fibers in the human cerebral cortex — the outer layer of the ...Full Article

Mirror, Mirror In The Brain: Mirror Neurons, Self-Understanding And Autism Research

Recent findings are rapidly expanding researchers’ understanding of a new class of brain cells — mirror neurons — which are active both when people perform an action and when ...Full Article


From previous evidence of effective human biological response using various sounds and sonic vibration frequencies, certain sounds have been found to have a direct effect upon physiological systems (i.e.: ...Full Article

Peering Into The Human Brain With fMRI Techniques

What’s really going on inside your head when you make a decision, make a mistake, or have a few drinks? Researchers are using fMRI techniques to monitor blood flow ...Full Article

Looking At Neurons From All Sides

A new technique that marries a fast-moving laser beam with a special microscope that look at tissues in different optical planes will enable scientists to get a three-dimensional view ...Full Article

Neurons Hard Wired To Tell Left From Right

It’s well known that the left and right sides of the brain differ in many animal species and this is thought to influence cognitive performance and social behaviour. For ...Full Article
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