Yearly Archives: 2014
Holographic Universe – The Secret beyond the matter
September 17th, 2014
Holographic Universe - The Secret beyond the matter
Data Saved in Quartz Glass Might Last 300 Million Years
August 15th, 2014
Most cultural institutions and research laboratories still rely on magnetic tape to archive their collections. Hitachi recently announced that it has developed a medium that can outlast not only this old-school format but also CDs, DVDs, hard drives and ...
Human brain cells boost mouse memory
August 15th, 2014
New research provides more clues about how the human brain evolved and could aid the development of new drugs...
Study Indicates Pregnancy Stress Can Affect Four Generations
August 14th, 2014
Preterm birth in humans applies to any baby born before 37 weeks. This underdevelopment can lead to a variety of complications including cognitive deficiencies, respiratory problems, digestive problems, and visual impairments. A new study
What’s Up With That: Your Best Thinking Seems to Happen in the Shower
August 12th, 2014
You’re in the shower. The water sounds like a gentle, rainy static, and feels like a Plinko massage. You’ve just started to lather up and suddenly, you’re hit with a flash of brilliance. Maybe it’s the answer to a ...
Do People Only Use 10 Percent of Their Brains?
August 10th, 2014
The human brain is complex. Along with performing millions of mundane acts, it composes concertos, issues manifestos and comes up with elegant solutions to equations. It’s the wellspring of all human feelings, behaviors, experiences as well as the repository ...
How Does Sugar Affect Your Brain? Turns Out In A Very Similar Way To Drugs And Alcohol
August 8th, 2014
Sugar. Just the thought of a sweet snack can make even the most hardcore dieter weak at the knees. The promise of a single fresh-baked chocolate chip cookie can make children eat an entire plate of vegetables or motivate ...
Our brains judge a face’s trustworthiness—even when we can’t see it
August 7th, 2014
Our brains are able to judge the trustworthiness of a face even when we cannot consciously see it, a team of scientists has found. Their findings, which appear in theJournal of Neuroscience, shed new light on how we form ...
Blood test can predict risk of suicide
August 6th, 2014
Researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, US, found that variations in a single gene can be used to predict if someone is likely to take their own life
Fear can be passed on from mother to child, a study shows
August 6th, 2014
Babies can smell their mothers’ fears and learn to be wary of the same things just a few days after being born.
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